
Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland : some of them printed from originals in the possession of the Rev. Edward Ryder, and others from a MS. which formerly belonged to Sir Peter Thompson, Kt

edited by John Bruce. -- Johnson Reprint, 1968. -- (Camden Society old series ; Series no. I, 46). <BB00427494>


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0001 女田図 閉架(B1F) 208||C118-1H||1:46 9382103936 配架中 0件
No. 0001
所蔵館 女田図
配置場所 閉架(B1F)
請求記号 208||C118-1H||1:46
資料ID 9382103936
状態 配架中
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. of Scotland : some of them printed from originals in the possession of the Rev. Edward Ryder, and others from a MS. which formerly belonged to Sir Peter Thompson, Kt / edited by John Bruce
出版・頒布事項 New York : Johnson Reprint , 1968
形態事項 xxii, 180, 6 p. ; 24 cm
書誌構造リンク Camden Society old series <BB00324592> Series no. I, 46//a
その他の標題 背表紙タイトル:Letters of Elizabeth and James VI
注記 Reprint of the 1849 ed. printed for the Camden Society
注記 "Reprinted with the permission of the Royal Historical Society"
注記 Includes index
学情ID BA40771702
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 <AU00104703>
著者標目リンク James I, King of England, 1566-1625 <AU00097161>
著者標目リンク Bruce, John
分類標目 LCC:DA355
分類標目 DC:942.05/5/0924