
The weather in the streets

Rosamond Lehmann ; with a new introduction by Janet Watts . Frost in May / Antonia White ; with an introduction by Elizabeth Bowen . The Doves of Venus / Olivia Manning ; with a new introduction by Isobel English. -- Virago, 1986. -- (Virago modern classics). <BB00426468>


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0001 女田図 閉架(B1F) 933.7||L564 9382256023 配架中 0件
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所蔵館 女田図
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標題および責任表示 The weather in the streets / Rosamond Lehmann ; with a new introduction by Janet Watts . Frost in May / Antonia White ; with an introduction by Elizabeth Bowen . The Doves of Venus / Olivia Manning ; with a new introduction by Isobel English
出版・頒布事項 London : Virago , 1986
形態事項 [10], 5-931 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0860687422
書誌構造リンク Virago modern classics <BB00003998>//a
注記 "The weather in the streets" Originally published: London : William Collins, 1936
注記 "Frost in May" Originally published: London : Desmond Harmsworth, 1933
注記 "The Doves of Venus" Originally published: London : William Heinemann , 1955
学情ID BA40691057
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Lehmann, Rosamond, 1901- <AU00205242>
著者標目リンク White, Antonia, 1899- <AU00096094>
著者標目リンク Manning, Olivia <AU00130882>
分類標目 LCC:PR6023.E42