
Notes toward the definitive bibliography of Thomas Hardy's poems of the past and the present

by Benton L. Hatch . A visit to Max Gate / by Walter Peirce . Hardy's deference to his publishers / by Carl J. Weber. -- [Reprint ed]. -- Folcroft Library Editions, 1970. <BB00300240>


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標題および責任表示 Notes toward the definitive bibliography of Thomas Hardy's poems of the past and the present / by Benton L. Hatch . A visit to Max Gate / by Walter Peirce . Hardy's deference to his publishers / by Carl J. Weber
版事項 [Reprint ed]
出版・頒布事項 [Folcroft, Pa.] : Folcroft Library Editions , 1970
形態事項 4, 5, 3 p. ; 26 cm
その他の標題 原タイトル:Three notes on Thomas Hardy
その他の標題 背表紙タイトル:Three notes on Thomas Hardy
注記 Originally published:Privately printed, 1966
学情ID BA25708121
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Hatch, Benton L. <AU00303307>
著者標目リンク Peirce, Walter <AU00303308>
著者標目リンク Weber, Carl Jefferson, 1894-1966 <AU00209958>
件名標目等 Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928