
The devils and Canon Barham : ten essays on poets, novelists and monsters

Edmund Wilson ; foreword by Leon Edel. -- Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973. <BB00106510>


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標題および責任表示 The devils and Canon Barham : ten essays on poets, novelists and monsters / Edmund Wilson ; foreword by Leon Edel
出版・頒布事項 New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux , 1973
形態事項 xiv, 219 p. ; 20 cm
ISBN 0374138435
内容著作注記 The devils and Canon Barham
内容著作注記 Two neglected American novelists: Henry B. Fuller; the art of making it flat. Harold Frederic, the expanding upstater
内容著作注記 How not to be bored by Maurice Baring
内容著作注記 The aftermath of Mencken
内容著作注記 An effort at self-revelation
内容著作注記 The Waste land in déshabillé
内容著作注記 Baldini: a memoir and a collaboration with Edwin O'Connor
内容著作注記 The fruits of the MLA
内容著作注記 The monsters of Bomarzo
注記 Includes index
学情ID BA07705176
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972 <AU00013359>
分類標目 LCC:PS121
分類標目 DC:810/.9
件名標目等 American literature -- History and criticism -- Addresses, essays, lectures
件名標目等 English literature -- History and criticism -- Addresses, essays, lectures