
The compleat gard'ner

Jean de la Quintinie ; translated by John Evelyn. -- Garland Pub., 1982. -- (The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt ; v. 6). <BB00057590>


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標題および責任表示 The compleat gard'ner / Jean de la Quintinie ; translated by John Evelyn
出版・頒布事項 New York : Garland Pub. , 1982
形態事項 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 26 cm
ISBN 0824001540
書誌構造リンク The English landscape garden : examples of the important literature of the English landscape garden movement together with some earlier garden books / edited with introductory notes by John Dixon Hunt <BB00007550> v. 6//a
その他の標題 原タイトル:Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers
注記 Translation of: Instruction pour les jardins fruitiers et potagers
注記 Reprint. Originally published: London : Printed for M. Gillyflower, 1693
学情ID BA03763079
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *La Quintinie, Jean de, 1626-1688 <AU00129325>
著者標目リンク Evelyn, John, 1620-1706 <AU00129326>
分類標目 LCC:SB357
分類標目 科学技術 NDLC:RB61
分類標目 DC19:635
件名標目等 Fruit-culture -- Early works to 1800
件名標目等 Vegetable gardening -- Early works to 1800