
Myth and symbol : critical approaches and applications

by Northrop Frye, L.C. Knights, and others ; A selection of papers delivered at the joint meeting of the Midwest Modern Language Association and the Central Renaissance Conference, 1962 ; edited by Bernice Slote. -- University of Nebraska Press, 1963. -- (A bison book ; BB141). <BB00007451>


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所蔵館 女田図
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標題および責任表示 Myth and symbol : critical approaches and applications / by Northrop Frye, L.C. Knights, and others ; A selection of papers delivered at the joint meeting of the Midwest Modern Language Association and the Central Renaissance Conference, 1962 ; edited by Bernice Slote
出版・頒布事項 Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press , c1963
形態事項 viii, 196 p. ; 21 cm
ISBN 0803250657
書誌構造リンク A bison book <BB00037195> BB141//a
注記 Bibliographical footnotes
学情ID BA00394238
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Slote, Bernice <AU00040426> ed
著者標目リンク Midwest Modern Language Association <AU00040427>
著者標目リンク Central Renaissance Conference <AU00040429>
著者標目リンク Frye, Northrop, 1912-1991 <AU00008054>
分類標目 LCC:PN501
分類標目 DC:809.91
件名標目等 Literature -- Addresses, essays, lectures
件名標目等 Symbolism in literature
件名標目等 Criticism -- Addresses, essays, lectures