Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts. Library


萩谷朴, 谷山茂校注. -- 岩波書店, 1965. -- (日本古典文學大系 ; 74). <BB00639747>
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HoldingsList 1-3 of about 3

No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date memo Reservation
0001 21 開架 918||N||74 9581331069 available 0items
0002 22 開架 918||N||74 9382403220 available 0items
0003 22 開架 918||N||74 9482050228 available 0items
No. 0001
Library 21
Location 開架
Call No 918||N||74
Material ID 9581331069
Status available
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No. 0002
Library 22
Location 開架
Call No 918||N||74
Material ID 9382403220
Status available
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No. 0003
Library 22
Location 開架
Call No 918||N||74
Material ID 9482050228
Status available
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Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 歌合集 / 萩谷朴, 谷山茂校注
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1965.3
physical description area 571p, 図版[1]枚 ; 22cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4000600745
parent bibliography link 日本古典文學大系||ニホン コテン ブンガク タイケイ <BB00616406> 74//b
note 監修: 高木市之助ほか
note 参考文献あり
NCID BN01072636
text language code Japanese
author link 萩谷, 朴(1917-2009)||ハギタニ, ボク <AU00010630>
author link 谷山, 茂(1910-)||タニヤマ, シゲル <AU00009016>
classification Collections NDC8:918.18
subject headings 歌合||ウタアワセ