Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts. Library


勝俣鎮夫著. -- 岩波書店, 1982. -- (岩波新書 ; 黄-194). <BB00615891>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date memo Reservation
0001 21 文庫・新書 岩波新書||黄版||194 9581369970 available 0items
No. 0001
Library 21
Location 文庫・新書
Call No 岩波新書||黄版||194
Material ID 9581369970
Status available
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 一揆 / 勝俣鎮夫著
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 岩波書店 , 1982.6
physical description area iv, 200p ; 18cm
Volume Information
ISBN 4004201942
parent bibliography link 岩波新書||イワナミ シンショ <BB00587405> 黄-194//a
note 主な参考文献: p199-200
NCID BN00634118
text language code Japanese
author link *勝俣, 鎮夫(1934-)||カツマタ, シズオ <AU00012280> 著
classification General history of Japan||General history of Japan NDC8:210.1
classification NDC7:210.5
classification History. Geography NDLC:GB79
subject headings 一揆 -- 歴史||イッキ -- レキシ
subject headings 農民一揆||ノウミンイッキ