Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts. Library


晏天章[撰] ; 虞集編 ; 1, 2. -- 平凡社, 1980. -- (東洋文庫 ; 387,390). <BB00608163>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date memo Reservation
0001 1 21 開架 795||G||1 9482248729 available 0items
0002 2 21 開架 795||G||2 9482248761 available 0items
No. 0001
Volumes 1
Library 21
Location 開架
Call No 795||G||1
Material ID 9482248729
Status available
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No. 0002
Volumes 2
Library 21
Location 開架
Call No 795||G||2
Material ID 9482248761
Status available
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 玄玄碁経集 / 晏天章[撰] ; 虞集編
ゲンゲン ゴキョウシュウ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 平凡社 , 1980.10-1980.11
physical description area 2冊 ; 18cm
Volume Information
volumes 1
ISBN 4582803873
Volume Information
volumes 2
ISBN 4582803903
parent bibliography link 東洋文庫||トウヨウ ブンコ <BB00587299> 387,390//a
note 注記あり
note 棋譜あり
note 解説: 呉清源
NCID BN0050931X
text language code Japanese
author link 晏, 天章||アン, テンショウ||yan, tian zhang <AU00024160>
author link 呉, 清源(1914-)||ゴ, セイゲン <AU00024165>
author link 虞, 集(1272-1348)||グ, シュウ||yu, ji <AU00024163>
classification Game of go NDC8:795
classification The Arts. Language. Literature NDLC:KD949
subject headings 囲碁||イゴ