Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts. Library


斎藤環著. -- 幻冬舎, 2020. -- (幻冬舎新書 ; さ-4-2, 579). <BB13200904>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date memo Reservation
0001 22 開架 367.7||S10596 2281012943 available 0items
No. 0001
Library 22
Location 開架
Call No 367.7||S10596
Material ID 2281012943
Status available
Due Date
Reservation 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 中高年ひきこもり / 斎藤環著
チュウコウネン ヒキコモリ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 幻冬舎 , 2020.1
physical description area 218p : 挿図 ; 18cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9784344985810
parent bibliography link 幻冬舎新書||ゲントウシャ シンショ <BB10255989> さ-4-2, 579//a
NCID BB29668321
text language code Japanese
author link 斎藤, 環 (1961-)||サイトウ, タマキ <AU00339939>
classification Family. Man and woman. Aged people NDC8:367.7
classification Family. Man and woman. Aged people NDC9:367.7
classification Family. Man and woman. Aged people NDC10:367.7
subject headings ひきこもり||ヒキコモリ
subject headings 中高年齢者||チュウコウネンレイシャ