Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts. Library


医学書院. -- 1巻1号 (昭43)-, 1968. <SB12882366>
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No. Library Location Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession status Alert
0001 21 雑誌コーナー P492||K13 47-56, 57(1-3) 2014-2024 Accession continuing
No. 0001
Library 21
Location 雑誌コーナー
Call No P492||K13
Volume 47-56, 57(1-3)
Available Years/Months 2014-2024
Accession status Accession continuing

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 看護研究 / 医学書院
カンゴ ケンキュウ
Volumes and Years of Serial 1巻1号 (昭43)-
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京
variant titles その他のタイトル:The Japanese journal of nursing research
NCID AN00046574
text language code Japanese
ISSN 00228370
author link 医学書院||イガク ショイン <AU00117892>