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ロバート・ステッカー著 ; 森功次訳. -- 勁草書房, 2013. <BB12606662>
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No. Volumes Library Location Call No Material ID Status Due Date memo Reservation
0001 21 開架 701.1||S9543 1382039501 available 0items
0002 22 開架 701.1||S10543 2181018685 available 0items
No. 0001
Library 21
Location 開架
Call No 701.1||S9543
Material ID 1382039501
Status available
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No. 0002
Library 22
Location 開架
Call No 701.1||S10543
Material ID 2181018685
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 分析美学入門 / ロバート・ステッカー著 ; 森功次訳
ブンセキ ビガク ニュウモン
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 勁草書房 , 2013.5
physical description area 500p ; 22cm
Volume Information
ISBN 9784326800537
variant titles 原タイトル:Aesthetics and the philosophy of art : an introduction
note Robert Stecker, Aesthetics and the philosophy of art: an introduction, 2nd ed., Rowman & Littlefield, 2010の翻訳
note 参考文献: p465-475
note 用語集: p477-481
note 事項・人名索引: p483-493
NCID BB12647010
text language code Japanese
author link Stecker, Robert, 1947- <AU11029942>
author link 森, 功次(1981-)||モリ, ノリヒデ <AU11029943>
classification Theory of arts. Aesthetics NDC8:701.1
classification Theory of arts. Aesthetics NDC9:701.1
subject headings 美学||ビガク
subject headings 芸術哲学||ゲイジュツテツガク
subject headings 美学||ビガク